One of the greatest desires of my heart is to encourage the followers of Christ.  I would love to see every believer walking in the fullness of the Spirit.  For those who are close to Christ, God has some special blessings to share.

To be actively sharing the love and abundance of God, I want to share with you, my book, "Positioned for Blessing". 

My wife Kathy and I will be sharing a chapter a week for you to read in hopes that you may reap some special blessings for you and your family.


The following introduction to the book is what we put on the back cover: 

Some complain that the Christian life is difficult…

That their prayers are seldom answered...

That the blessing of God always seems to miss them.

And some wonder if the promises of God have altogether expired.

Every living person is blessed with life, and most with conditions favorable for sustaining life.  In many ways God treats us all alike, but we must remember the difference between grace and rewards, between mercy and blessings.  In a general sense, all are blessed; but there are blessing that must be classified as uncommon - these come only to those who are in position to receive them.

In Positioned for Blessing, Pastor Oda brings balance to the abused prosperity and faith messages.   Where many are conveniently silent about any conditions to the promises of God, he turns our attention to several conditions found in God's Word. 

As you read this book, you'll be inspired to move into that place where God is pouring out his abundance of blessings!